2007 Lao Shou Mei White Tea

2007 Lao Shou Mei White Tea


Origin and Characteristics

  • Origin: Lao Shou Mei White Tea is typically produced in Fujian Province, China, known for its traditional white tea production.
  • Characteristics: As a aged white tea, Lao Shou Mei undergoes a natural aging process, which can significantly impact its flavor, aroma, and appearance over time.

Aging Process

  • Natural Aging: Unlike other teas that are intentionally aged under specific conditions, Lao Shou Mei White Tea ages naturally over time. This aging process can take place in storage facilities that are cool, dry, and well-ventilated, allowing the tea to develop complex flavors and aromas.


  • Health Benefits: Aged white teas retain antioxidant properties similar to their younger counterparts, contributing to overall health and well-being.

Brew Instruction:

Brewing tool: cups, bottles, tea wears, tea bags

Water temperature: 160° - 170° F

Amount of tea: 1 teaspoon

Amount of water: 6-10 oz.

Steeping time: put the hot water into the cup with the  tea, stirring the tea will make the tea flavor come out faster, stir about 20-50 seconds for the first cup, strain it out. Later if you want more tea, put more water back in the cup, steep for another 30-50 seconds, then strain it. This amount of tea leaves will make 3-4 cups of tea.

Drinking tips:

  • We suggest drinking the green tea 30minutes-60minutes after meal. Drinking too soon after the meal, the tea will reactor with the nutrients of the food, especially the iron and protein. So if you have anemia, do not drink green tea, black tea, oolong tea, and pu-erh tea.


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